Статья 2117

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Egorov Aleksey Vladimirovich, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, rector of Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov (33 Moskovsky avenue, Vitebsk, Belarus); Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law, vsu@vsu.by

Index UDK





Background. Comparative law is a separate area of legal research of methodological character. From the standpoint of comparative legal methodology it is intended to maintain functioning and development of other legal sciences, including the ones of international legal character. The modern system of international law requires new approaches to the legal regulation of cross-border relations. In addition,  a new separate direction in the form of integration or cross-border law is ap pearing. Comparative law is intended in a methodological way to ensure the formation and systematic interaction of these research directions of legal nature.
Materials and methods. The basis of the research of the interaction of comparative law and international legal disciplines is the legal doctrine and legal practice that have been formed in conditions of system interaction between these research areas. The main research method is the comparative-legal method of cognition of normative and doctrinal components, operating in different legal systems.
Results. The research has resulted in determination of the conceptual-methodological role of comparative law with respect to international legal sciences and academic disciplines.
Conclusions. Comparative law performs a general legal methodological role with respect to cognition and transformation of international legal disciplines. Comparative legal science interacts differently with international private and international public law, while fulfilling the same function of cognition of a foreign legal matter. Comparative law has the direct influence on the formation of cross-border (transnational) law, implementing the knowledge of laws of functioning and development of modern legal systems.

Key words

comparison, comparative law, international law, international private law, international public law, transnational law, legal system

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Дата создания: 28.08.2017 09:23
Дата обновления: 28.08.2017 15:36
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